Alpha Source Web Account Registration

We're happy you have chosen Alpha Source to be your source for medical products and supplies. Our easy account set up will get you on track to making fast, secure purchases of quality medical products. Having an Alpha Source web account will simplify the ordering process. Once your account is set up by our Customer Service department, you will be able to view order history, your special pricing, track shipping and more. Sign up now by filling out the simple form below!


To register for a customer account on the Alpha Source website, enter the requested information in the form below. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Contact Information:
Name: *
Company Name/DBA: *
E-mail: *
Phone: *

Account Details:

Will you be making purchases for an organization that has ordered from Alpha Source in the past?
 Yes   No

Billing Address:
Company Website URL:
Address: *

City: *
State: *
Zip: *
Login Options:
Username (30 characters max): *

Password: *

Re-enter Password: *

Your password must contain:

8-15 characters

At least one letter

At least one number

At least one special character: !@$^-_'"{}[]<>,.*:;

Cannot contain these characters: %&#+=? or space


Prices subject to change without notice. The devices advertised on this website
may not have been licensed in accordance with Canadian law.
Copyright © 2019 Alpha Source, Inc.